The band
Guillerme Fernández Guitars
Guillerme Fernández has been a member of Berrogüetto since the band was created. He has excelled as arranger and composer. He combines his participation in the band with other works of which he is also the producer.
He became interested in music at a young age, as this was part of his family environment, first as play and later as hobby, but always as something present in his life. At the beginning of his career he experimented with different musical genres, which finally led him to a very personal way of understanding and playing music.
In cooperation with Xabier Díaz he issued Músicas de Salitre (2005), an album that was granted Third Prize for Galician language album at the awards Premios La Opinión 2006 and was a candidate for the Best Song in Galician for the Spanish Music Academy Awards 2006 for "Pedra de Sal". They are both currently working on their new album, A lírica do silencio.
With Guadi Galego he created Espido, a sort of fusion by the melodic harmonic touching interaction of both musicians. They were considered by the specialised critics the second best Galician album of the year for the Premio La Opinión 2006.
Guillerme Fernández is a person of deep social and cultural convictions, something tangible in his compositions and his personal involvement with diverse musical projects. Remarkable examples of this are Son Delas, a multidisciplinary show specially developed to celebrate International Women's Day; Donald Shaw's Harvest, the opening concert at Celtic Connections Festival, which gathered the most important names of the European scene in Glasgow, and Cantos na maré, Festival Internacional da Lusofonía, a pioneering cultural project aiming at drawing a common map between the Galician-Portuguese speaking countries through the language, music, rhythm and sound.
Guillerme Fernández is a regular featuring artist in many albums of Galician bands and artists. He took part in Segredo a voces (2001) of Anubía, to which he also contributed his original piece "Nai"; in O circo Monte Curuto (2000) of Os Cempés; and Zume de Terra (2004) of Xosé Manuel Budiño.
As a guitarist he took part in the tour introducing the album Madama (2003) of Leilía and he was a member of Xosé Manuel Budiño's band.
He wrote the music and recorded the soundtrack for three short-films Domingo hay cocido (2003), Animhombre Machine (2004) directed by Carlos Davila and Minas (2004) by Dani de la Torre.
In 2005 he created the record company Músicas de Salitre, with the goal of opening the doors and providing legal support for future works.
Since 2006 he is co-presenter with Xabier Díaz of the radio programme “Tres peixes voando” on Radio Galega.