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2010, Berro Guetto Música

Berrogüetto approaches science to bring us closer to their universe and philosophy. They invite us to stop and look up.

"Since the first drop of intelligence shone in humanity, our species did never stop wondering about the magnificent vision of space and, civilisation after civilisation, it never stopped generating myths, legends, cosmogonies, that made poetry out of the movement of heavenly bodies and their existence. However, each step science takes, each new discovery, both outdates old inconsistent beliefs and accentuates, rather that decreases, that creative thirst, that need to transmute emotion into new melodies." Quico Comesaña.

Kosmogonías (Kosmogonies) takes us to the quintessential starting point, to the Big-Bang, to victory of the matter over the anti-matter, to the initial berro / shout of the Universe that reaches us with its radiation. Kosmogonías is a reflection between the Humanity and the Universe, a call full of optimism for a fairer system. Berrogüetto stops and highlights all those collective and individual wills that with its gestures and attitudes works to improve their surroundings.

Composed of eleven songs, keeps Berrogüetto's personal style, clearly-defined since its early stages. Innovative since their first work, this fifth record is a compilation of organic sounds, a delicate work where the band gives expression to its soul through their special concept of music 

In Kosmogonías the public will find two important novelties: a new voice and a new sound. The incorporation of Xabier Díaz as singer signifies Berrogüetto’s commitment to a solo male voice, a very unusual fact among Galician bands. The band also integrates the nyckelharpa, a traditional Swedish stringed instrument, similar to a hurdy-gurdy. The luthier was Quim Farinha, the violinist of the group.

It is necessary to stress and thank the contribution of the writers Rosa Aneiros and Manuel Rivas, who allowed the use of his poem "Alalá" (A desaparición da neve, 2009) as lyrics for the song “Alalá da noite”.

Líridas de abril [4:20]

Music Traditional/ Xabier Díaz / Guillerme Fernández Lyrics Traditional / Xabier Díaz

Eu aquí non canto, canto
eu aquí non canto, canto
se non vexo a eses amores
que eu lles quero tanto tanto.

Aquela que vai alí-e
ten un andar miudiño
hei de andar á súa par
media legua de camiño

Eu alá non vou
eu alá non vou
ela si é de lei
ha de vir acó
ha de vir acó
acó ha de vir
eu alá non vou
eu aló nei d'ir.

Entrai olliños entrai-e
por esa porta para dentro
aínda non vos vin chegar
e tráiovos no pensamento.

Eu alá non vou ...

Eu non quero amores
que vaian ao mar
o mar é moi fondo
poden afogar
poden afogar
poden afogar
eu non quero amores
que vaian ao mar

Eu alá non vou ...

Eu non quero amores ...

Para abril para maio
para o ano que vén
para abril para maio
o meu amor vén
o meu amor