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2006, Berro Guetto Música

A consolidated Berrogüetto reinventing itself in its tenth birthday. An optimistic work that addresses the problems of the world for any ear. 

"Berrogüetto is the name of the subversion against the status quo of routine. It is the search for something beyond the mundane, a transcendence which is achieved from hours of sincere, honest work to find the hidden beauty behind the light of constancy. Berrogüetto is the name of pointillist minutia, of the fine blending of harmony and rhythm, of the agile melody never complacent and always with its eyes set on wider, bluer horizons.

It has been ten years since these artists first turned the world of folk music around with a distinctive and attractive discourse." Rodrigo Romaní.

10.0 is the fourth album Berrogüetto, entirely self-published and only with the intimate collaborations of Kin García and Silvia Pintos. The work reflects the personal evolution of the band as a factory of ideas, as well as the proper of these seven musicians who have always refused production for production's sake. Berrogüetto celebrated its tenth anniversary showing its privacy without many words around music.

It is an optimistic work that tackles the problems of the world for any listener. This is the most acoustic work by the band, with evocative trips as "Cracovia" and "Brest" and influences from contemporary music, ranging from jazz to pop.

The band's aesthetics concept keeps going beyond music and leans on all nearly converging disciplines. The Galician designer Fernando Lema is the author of the album's cover and photographs are by Karlos Abal.

The 10.0 tour was a resounding success, bringing the "Berrogüetto's sound" all around the world. The group reasserted its live sound as its best asset, with such an impressive quality as its studio work, which had already been honoured with numerous awards.

Unha volta e un poema [3:30]

Music and Lyrics Guadi Galego / Guillerme Fernández
Vai unha volta, unha volta e un poema
Unha cantiga, a cantiga dunha nena
Vai un xantar, un xantar, unha conversa
Un pensamento, pensamento con talento

Vai o teu beixo, o teu beixo nun silencio
Unha palabra, a palabra desexada

E agora que sae o sol
o teu nome xa se ve
Agora que sae o sol
ti tamén es

Vai a esquecida, a esquecida e nomeada
Unha sentenza, a sentenza que ti fagas
Vai o teu dito, o teu dito cun sorriso
Unha quimera, a quimera dunha espera

Foi unha volta, unha volta e un poema
Unha cantiga, a cantiga dunha nena,
Vou despedirme, despedirme cunha flor
Vou despedirme, cunha flor de cor de ron.